small things, GREAT LOVE
Do small things with GREAT LOVE
In everyday life, in the small moments of our days, we can work toward protecting life!
By doing small things, we can show GREAT LOVE to those in need…
Share the Safe Haven Law on social media.
Be the SPARK to Ignite the Fire! - 5 thoughts on being a light for Christ!
Spiritual and Corporal Work of Mercy Ideas - The USCCB provides simple but powerful ideas on doing the Works of Mercy in you community or school.
“Footprints for Foundation” - Small ways to build a Culture of Life in your family.
Pray the Litany of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, found at https://saintgianna.org/litany.htm
Visit the USCCB Website for a list of Spiritual Works of Mercy and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Offer a Mass, say a rosary, have a Holy Hour for the unborn, homeless, incarcerated, etc.
Include Respect Life intentions in your daily prayers.
Spiritually Adopt a baby for 9 months to save a baby from abortion. You can also spiritually adopt and pray for an elderly person, a teen to remain chaste, someone who is incarcerated, an abortionist, etc. Simply name the person & say a daily prayer for your special intention for that person
Additional Options:
a. The entire student body can pray for a baby and a Gender Reveal party can be held half way through the spiritual adoption. To determine the gender, have someone pick "boy" or "girl" from a hat.
b. Write a letter to the spiritually adopted baby and imagine what they need to hear from someone who loves them.Share a preborn video:
Fetal Development of Baby Olivia provided by Live Action
Miracle of Life
Life Issues Ultrasounds
Actual UltrasoundAttend Mass/Prayer Service in your parish on January 22nd of each year. This is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade when abortion was made legal in the United States.
Start a prayer group to pray for those who are suffering - ie, mom with an unplanned pregnancy, homeless, elderly, special needs, incarcerated, etc. You can meet one day a week before/after school to say a Pro-Life Rosary.
Write prayers for life and send them to Respect Life organizations.
Send home a rosary and ask the family to say the Pro-Life Meditations for the week.
Have a class liturgy or prayer service with a Respect Life them.
Plan a class retreat around a Respect Life theme.
You can hold a Pro-Life Prayer Service, Eucharist Prayer Service, or “Having a Christian Conscience” Prayer Service. These are available by contacting us.For more information or help with any of these activities, please contact us!
Do - It changes things (Parents/Teachers)Use Respect Life stickers, stamps, envelopes, decals, bumper stickers, t-shirts, checks etc. (You can order them from Heritage House.)
Become informed about current issues regarding all life issues and share that information with everyone you meet. It is important to educate yourself on life issues.
Subscribe to Respect Life newsletters and magazines to keep updated regarding local & national activities and issues.
Leave Respect Life brochures, cards, info wherever you go. You never know whose life you may save. (reception rooms, malls, restaurants, doctor's office, any public place you visit - you can also put on bulletin boards in coffee shops, libraries, grocery stores, etc.)
Make certain that all organizations to which you make donations are Pro-Family and Pro-Life centered.
Write letters to the editors of newspapers and magazines about any life topic.
Purchase a "Choose Life" License plate for your car. Louisiana residents click here.
Learn about the life-saving Safe Haven Law in your state.
Volunteer your professional skills (doctors, lawyers, nurses, accountants, therapists, etc) to local Pro-Life organizations.
Join Respect Life organizations in your area that are working to build a Culture of Life in your community.
Become a sidewalk counselor and offer desperate moms a loving voice before they enter the abortion site.
Mentor young women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Do - It changes things (Do with Children)
Wear pink & blue ribbons to show that you will stand-up for the unborn. Place these ribbons on your school bag, purse, trees, etc.
Wear the "Precious feet" pin, which shows the exact size of a baby's feet 10 weeks after conception. You can also wear a Pro-Life red rose.
Create a School Respect Life Page on Instagram and/or Facebook for kids to follow, or use the school’s general page. Post Spiritual Adoption Updates, Fetal Facts, Pro-Life Prayers, etc. to this account
Design Respect Life posters, banners, etc. to be displayed at school, church, libraries, etc.
Chalk your campus or neighborhood with life-affirming messages.
Invite a speaker to come to your youth/religious group.
Have a bulletin board with Respect Life current events, issues and information.
Publish a Respect Life newsletter.
Have a bulletin board with Respect Life current events, issues and information.
Publish a Respect Life newsletter.
Have a booth at local fairs, craft shows, conventions, etc. Suggested ideas: have a respect life video playing, respect life brochures available, sell respect life items (these can be things the students made or things purchased from Heritage House), have a Baby contest, etc. For the baby contest families can submit photos of their baby and the pictures are displayed in the booth. Each person who would like to vote, must pay $.50 or $1.00. Have a designated time for votes.
Have DVDs, books and other materials available on Respect Life issues. Please make sure that all materials are age appropriate.
Have a Respect Life book study.
Host a "Movie for a Meaning" night and show a Respect Life movie. (October Baby, Bella)
Conduct a "Fun"-Raiser - bake sale, raffle, etc to raise money for a local crisis pregnancy center or other Culture of Life organization.
Raise money for a Pro-Life billboard. Visit Prolife Across America for more information.
Host a Pro-Life Palooza! Have information, music, skits, speakers, etc. to celebrate LIFE!
Organize a "Party with a Purpose" in your community.
Supporting Moms and their Babies
Give "new mom" bags. Include daily devotions, Bible, prayer for new baby, toiletries, etc.
Give a blessed newborn blanket to the new babies in your church or organization.
Invite a new mom & dad and their baby to come visit. They can share their experiences of the pregnancy & new life.
Make journals for mothers with unplanned pregnancies with a monthly account of baby's development.
Write a letter, thanking your local pregnancy care center or pro-life organization for their work.
Contact your legislators and let them know you stand on all life issues.
Have a classroom debate on a respect life topic.
Supporting those with Disabilities, who are Homeless, Elderly, or Incarcerated
Volunteer with those who with disabilities and the homeless.
Clean out closets and donate items to a homeless shelter.
Create generic birthday cards that can be donated to local homeless shelters.
Collect food items for a local food pantry.
Take time to visit a home for the elderly. Ask the residents there to pray for those in need.
Have the grandparents of students come read to the students.
Offer to help the elderly in your neighborhood - rake leaves, visit, check on them, etc.