Spiritual Bouquet
Spiritual Bouquets are prayers or acts of devotion that someone has done or will offer for another person.
It can be given from a group or an individual person to express their prayers of joy, best wishes, or to honor or commemorate a special occasion. A card or some item is given to the recipient indicating the prayer or acts of devotion that the Spiritual Bouquet consists of for the person. The prayers or acts of devotion can be Holy Communions offered, a number of Masses attended or offered, rosaries, time in Adoration, Novenas, and/or other prayers said, or devotional acts performed. The Spiritual Bouquet should include the giver’s name, the specific prayers and/or acts of devotion, and the number of times each offering was or will be done.
Spiritual Bouquets can be done with a group or alone, at home or in church. Prayers are always heard by God and a Spiritual Bouquet is a gift that can be given by anyone for anyone.
Copyright - Natasia T. Kissinger, 2016-2020