Spiritual Adoption Monthly Update
September: Conception – Thank you for praying for me. God just created me inside my mommy! He already planned my eye color, my height, my hair color, and every detail about me! My mommy doesn’t know that I am in here growing. I can’t wait until she finds out! Please remember to pray for me every day so that I can grow strong and healthy.
October: 1 month old – Thank you for praying for me every day! Can you believe I am already one month old! My heart is now pumping my own blood and my backbone is growing. I still very tiny, and I am so thankful for your prayers. I know that your prayers are helping me to grow every day.
November: 2 months old – I want to thank you again for continuing to pray for me. I am so blessed by your prayers. I am now 2 months old and I am about 2 inches long. That is still very tiny but now you would be able to see my eyes, nose and mouth if you were able to see me in here. I have a sense of smell already! I can’t wait to use my senses to experience life once I am born.
December: 3 months old – Hi everyone! Can you believe I am 3 months old! I am now about 3 inches long. I have my own fingerprints now - just like you! My hands can open and close and I can smile. I love to suck my thumb! I am very active, but my mommy still can’t feel me in here because I am so tiny. I think about you every day and I am so thankful to have someone like you praying for me.
January: 4 months old – Hi again! I want you to know how thankful I am that you are praying for me! I am getting bigger and stronger, but I am still very small. I only weigh about 5 ounces and am about 6 inches long. My mommy goes to the doctor to check on me and now she can hear my heart beating! She must be so excited to know that I am growing safely inside of her. I can’t wait until I meet her and I will be able to go to school with friends like you.
February: 5 months old – Wow! I am now 5 months old and almost 12 inches long. That is the size of a ruler! I now weigh about 1 pound! Can you believe how fast I am growing? Now my mommy can feel me moving inside of her tummy. I am still very active. Since I am bigger now, I sometimes kick my mommy while I am in here. I don’t mean to kick her, I am just very excited about the life that God has given me! Maybe one day I will play soccer. Please keep praying for me. I love you.
March: 6 months old – Can you believe I am 6 months old? I can hear sounds from the outside and love my mommy’s voice so much! Now, I can open and close my eyes. I can’t wait to see the world once I am born! I bet it is so beautiful. There is not much room in here since I am getting bigger. I do have my favorite position that I like to snuggle in and go to sleep. Please keep praying for me. I am so thankful for your prayers.
April: 7th months old – Thanks again for praying for me! I must be very special to have someone like you praying for me every day. I am growing so big and strong inside my mommy. I am now between 15-17 inches long and weigh about 5 pounds. I try to move around a lot but it is very crowded in here. Sometimes I get the hiccups – I bet my mommy can feel that! Only a few more months and then I will get to meet my mommy! I am so excited! Please don’t forget to pray for me each day. You are my angel.
Beginning of May: 8 months old – Thank you for praying for this whole time! I am now 8 months old. My skin is so smooth and I now have long fingernails! The pupils in my eyes now respond to light. I don’t have much room in here now. I am still growing each day! I wonder how big I will be when I am born! I can’t wait to see my family when I am born. Thank you for your prayers…please don’t stop praying for me!
End of May: Happy Birthday to ME!!! Thank you so much for each of your prayers! You are very special to me and I am so thankful that God sent your prayers to me. I have received the greatest gift of all – LIFE! I can’t wait to see what God has planned for me.
Thank you for spiritually adopting me. You are my angel on earth and I will always be thankful for your prayers.