Prayer Requests
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create ripples.”
~Mother Theresa
The world filled is so big and filled with so many people in need. From the mom with an unplanned pregnancy to the elderly man whose life is being threatened by those who feel assisted suicide is best.
At Choose the Child, we want to join you in your prayer journey for those in need. As we join you, we ask you to focus on God’s will for those in need. We tend to pray and tell God what we want Him to do… BUT God does always know best!
I often wonder what He thinks when I pray for some things not knowing that
He has something SO much bigger planned! Does He LOL?
With that being said, please share your prayers with us.
In sharing, we ask that you K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Sweetie) so that we are able to give each prayer adequate time and attention.
1. Email us Your Name, the Person, and the Situation you’re praying if you feel comfortable sharing this.
2. The Primary Need for Prayer.
3. A little Blessing that God is doing in Your Life!
4. Trust in God’s Providence.