Spiritual Adoption
A Spiritual Adoption is a prayer said for someone over a designated time. In this case, we will spiritually adopt a baby in the mother’s womb who is in danger of abortion. (For grades Kindergarten - 4th grade, it is encouraged to tell the children that we are praying for a baby to be born healthy. It is not suggested to talk about abortion in those grades.) Although we don't know the baby, God does, and He will direct your prayers to a life in danger. This is also a great school-wide project.
Here is a simple plan:
1. In September, have each class in grades Kindergarten - 5th Grade spiritually adopt a baby and name the baby. The name is chosen by the students and/or the teacher. Each student in 6th -8th Grade will spiritually adopt their own baby individually. The students can decide on a name for their baby.
2. The classes are asked to pray the Spiritual Adoption Prayer daily for 9 months for their unborn baby and his or her parents.
Spiritual Adoption Prayer - "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph we love you very much. We beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that we have spiritually adopted." Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
3. Student in 6th Grade - 8th Grade will make posters for each classroom. For Pre-Kindergarten and Middle School, the posters say "Pray for the Unborn." The Kindergarten - 5th Grade posters display the name they chose for their spiritually adopted baby. Also, every poster has a picture of an unborn baby (can be found on the internet) and the Spiritual Adoption Prayer by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. (Appendix A - October)
4. The Spiritual Adoption Update can be read monthly as the school Mass or via the school announcements. Great resources for Spiritual Adoption Posters to display monthly are Heritage House or Little One Publishing.
5. Hold a baby shower to celebrate the lives being saved through the spiritual adoption. This can be held anytime during the year. A couple of suggestions are near January 22 (anniversary of Roe v. Wade) or during the Easter Season - the Church Season of New Life.
6. Another option: The whole school or Respect Life Club can spiritually adopt a baby but keep the gender unknown. Have a "gender reveal" celebration/baby shower!
For a Sample Spiritual Adoption Letter - Click Here