Fun-Raising for Life
Fun-Raising to build a Culture of Life and raise funds for the Respect Life Movement!
Fun Ideas to Raise Funds!
A-Thon for A Life - Host a Walk-A-Thon, Bike-A-Thon or Marathon for A Life! The money raised can be donated to a Respect Life Ministry.
Baby Contest - This can be held at a school fair or craft fair. Charge a small fee for parents to enter their children. Allow them to bring 1-2 photos and they may bring their child. Voting is accomplished through financial donations, and the baby with the largest contribution in the bucket of a certain category is declared that category's winner. Have separate buckets and categories for best outfit, best personality, best pictures, cutest smile, and others. Establish prizes for each category, and try to solicit prizes as donations from local businesses. (For best outfit, prize could be gift card to clothing retailer. For best smile, the prize could be a free photo session)
Bake Sale - Easy and profitable!
Bracelets for Babies - Middle school and high school students love to wear string-type bracelets. You could sell some type of bracelet and donate the profits.
Chalk the Campus - Visit National Pro-Life Chalk Day for more information!
Change it for LIFE - Start a competition between classes, families or individuals by giving them each a coin jar or baby bottle to collect change for a designated amount of time. The money is donated to a local Respect Life organization. The one with the most collected wins the prize.
Cupcakes for LIFE - October 9th - Visit CupcakesforLife.com for more information.
Fundraiser for Friends of Life - We can help you get Respect Life items at a discount and they can be sold at your church or organization. The profits from the sales are donated to a Respect Life organization.
Onesies for the Little One - Students can decorate onesies with positive messages! The students can collect donations for the onesies they create! The proceeds can be donated to your school and the onesies can be donated to the local pregnancy care center. More details can be provided.
Pink & Blue Day - Everyone wears pink or blue. Fun games that incorporate facts about the unborn baby & pregnancy.
Pro-Life Prayer Card Contest - Have students write a short prayer or draw a picture for a prayer card. The winning card(s) can be sold as a fun-raiser!!
More details can be provided.
Rosary for Life - Have friends get together to say a Rosary for Life. Prayer is a vital part of this ministry.
Tournaments for Teens - Host a kickball, softball or other tournament among schools to raise money for teens in need.
”Write for the Right” to Life - Write letters to friends and family asking for donations for your a Respect Life Ministry. Focus on “why” you are asking for a donation and don’t attach yourself to their answer. Use your passion to ask for a specific pro-life need. Tips for Success: The letter needs to be easy to read and personal . The receiver should feel your passion for the pro-life cause and why you are asking them for a donation. Include a form for them to complete with their updated information and a stamped, addressed envelope if you can. The letter can be sent to family, friends, local Respect Life groups, etc. Don’t forget to thank your donors with a personal note.
“Proud to Be Pro-Life Party”
Hold a a “Party with a Purpose” celebrating LIFE!
It is easy as 1, 2, 3....4!
Choose a “Party with a Purpose” from the list below or create your own!
2. Contact us so that we can help your prepare, plan & PaRtY for LIFE!
3. Let the Planning Begin!
4. Friends & Family Party, Celebrate AND Raise Awareness & Funds for YOUR FAVORITE Culture of Life Organization!
p"ART"y - Have teens and children create Respect Life drawings, paintings, or any artwork. Host a party to display the artwork which can be purchased. The money is donated to a local Respect Life organization.
Bingo for Babies - Host a family bingo night for your friends and family. You can get prizes and food donated. You can charge an entrance fee and sell the food.
Birthday for Babies - On your birthday, you can ask for donations or gift cards for a Respect Life organization instead of birthday gifts.
Black & White Night - Life is "Black & White" - you are either alive or you aren't. Show your support of all LIFE by hosting a "Black & White" night. This can be a themed dinner, dance or combination event. Decor should all be black and white, although some elegant pieces could be deep red. Ideas: decorate table with black tablecloths and have white plates and napkins; centerpieces can be red roses in white vases or white candles decorated with black beads; could also use zebra print. Encourage attendees to wear formal attire or black and white dressy casual attire. To make the event more elegant, you can provide a live orchestra and instruct them to dress in black. For the dance, you could have a variety of black and white masquerade masks. This can be woven into the theme that even though you don't know who they are, their life still holds value.
Bonco for Babies - Host a fun game night of Bonco to raise money for a Respect Life organization.
Bowling for Babies - Rock n Bowl would be a great place for this event.
Dad-chelor Party - A pro-life party for men/dads. Guests can bring diapers and beer.
Fashion Show - Purity & Modesty - Host a Fashion Show with modest clothing for teens and women.
Fit for Life - Hold a fitness event. It could be for a day, a week, a month or longer. Each person who joins the event has someone sponsor them and the workouts they commit to complete.
Gender Reveal Party - This would be a great celebration along with your Spiritual Adoption program. At the beginning of the Spiritual Adoption Program, the Respect Life committee spiritually adopts a baby along with all the other parishioners. The priest can determine if the baby will be a boy or a girl. He keeps this a secret and only he and the Respect Life Coordinator know. Everyone can make guesses and build the excitement. Then you can have this party and reveal the gender, say prayers for the unborn and bring donations for the pregnancy center.
Glow for Life Party - This party is great for boys and girls ages 8-10 or 11-14. The idea is that each of us is a light in the (dark) world. Have glow necklaces, bracelets, etc. A black-light is another great asset to this party.
God's Girls Party - Girls 8-10 - Focus is that each of the girls is a Daughter of the King and created For a Purpose. They are precious jewels in this world and should be protected and respected.
Hats & Heels to Help Moms - Host a brunch or luncheon. All the ladies wear Hats & Heels.
Ladies for Life Luncheon - You can host a luncheon for ladies at a local venue. Have a guest speaker from a local Pro-Life organization. You can have a raffle and/or auction.
Lattes for Life - Meet at a coffee shop or host a coffee in your home. You can share information on how they can become involved in the Respect Life Movement. Have a coffee can to collect donations.
Movie Night for Mommas - Host a night for Moms to come together. Start with a prayer and then watch a Respect Life or Christian-based movie.
"Movie with Meaning" Night - Host a movie night for teens and show a movie with a Pro-Life story. (October Baby, Bella)
Paint for Pro-Life - Have a fundraiser at your local "paint-the-pottery/canvas" store.
Pajama Party for Pro-Life - Everyone wears their pajamas! Serve snacks and drinks. Could play slumber party games.
Pro-Life & Poppin' - This party is "poppin'" You can serve - popcorn, popsicles, lollipops, ring pops and more. Incorporate fun facts about a mom who is about to "pop" and how her baby is growing inside.
Royalty for Life - A great party for boys and girls ages 5-7 to teach them that they are God’s Princes and Princesses and need to be treated with respect.
Rainbow - The never-ending promise! A Rainbow was God's promise to Noah that He would never flood the entire world again. Unfortunately, the rainbow has come to symbolize other things in the world. With children, we can bring the good news of the Rainbow back again. This lesson/party can focus on the promise from God and our promise that we will NEVER stop defending life. Focus on each color of the rainbow and have an activity or prayer to go with that color. Children love colors and will be fascinated by the theme of this lesson/party :)
Retro for Life - Throw it back to a time before abortion was legal. Host an early 70's, 60s, 50s, 40s and so on party. Have everyone dress in the appropriate time era, play music and celebrate the time before abortion was legal. Also include some type of prayer and/or petition to for abortion to become illegal again.
Rock for Life - Rock with Music &/or Rock-a-thon
Scavenger Hunt to Save Lives - Host a scavenger hunt in your community, school or organization. Everyone pays to play and this money is donated to the Respect Life Movement.
Sing to Save Lives - Karaoke Night - Have participants raise pledges for their commitment to lip-sync and sell tickets to the performance.
Spa Day to Save Lives - Offer to have female volunteers give manis, pedis and 5 minute massages at a Girl's Day Out for donations.
Sprinkle for Unborn - This is great to do for pregnancy centers because they don't need large items. You can "Sprinkle" them with diapers, wipes, onesies, blankets, bibs, & bottles.
Sundaes to Save Babies - Hold an Ice Cream Sundae party. Get the products donated and then everyone pays to make their own Sundae.
Superheros Save Lives - Superman was adopted. This could be a great party to emphasize the importance of adoption. You can also let the children know that we are all Superheros because Jesus lives in each of us and He can help us be a voice for LIFE.
Wild about Life - An animal print-themed party for LIFE.