Loving the Elderly
OBJECTIVES: All lives, including the elderly and persons with disabilities, are valuable until natural death
Kindergarten – 5th Grade
• Inform the students of ways they can show God’s love and compassion to the elderly and persons
who have disabilities. Children are very visual, and it is important to teach them that although some people look “different,” their lives are very valuable and need to be respected. • Every person is important and of value – regardless of size, age, ethnicity, economic status, disabilities, etc.
6th Grade – 8th Grade
• Inform the students of ways they can show God’s love and compassion to the elderly and persons
who have disabilities. Children are very visual, and it is important to teach them that although some people look “different,” their lives are very valuable
* The elderly and those who have disabilities may not be as active as others, but their lives are just as valuable
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
All Grades:
Grandparent Letter: a copy of the “Letter to Grandparents or Mentors” (on Choose the Child FB page), or blank paper
“You are Loved” Cards: blank index cards or paper/cardstock cut into 3.5x5 cards
Dear Lord, You have given each of us life, a life that You designed and planned for us. Help us to value all life – especially the lives of those that appear to be weak, helpless, or different than us. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prompt and Questions – The Elderly:
How do the elderly (grandparents) help us? Why are they valuable?
They can love us and pray for us. The times they lived in are different than ours; therefore, they give us a glimpse of history as they remember it. Life and the way of living was much different when they were your age. Many times they have a different perspective on life because of lessons they learned from choices they have made over the years. Spending time with the elderly can be valuable because they are full of history and can offer much wisdom.
What can we do to reach out to the elderly?
Ideas – Facetime a grandparent, adopt a grandparent in a home for the elderly in your community. Pray for the elderly - commit to say a specific prayer for them daily.
ACTIVITIES All Grades: Grandparent Letter Activity: Have each child write a letter to their grandparent or an elderly person. Encourage them to thank this person for things they have done for him or her. Let this person know how much they are loved and appreciated. Have the children brainstorm the reasons this person is important to them and talk about the gifts they offer from their experience. If it is someone the child doesn’t know personally, it can be a general letter. A prayer can also be included with this letter.
You are Loved Cards: Using index cards or paper cut into 3.5x5 cards, write “You are Loved” or some other positive message. The cards can include a prayer that you will say for the recipient. These small cards of encouragement and love will be treasured by those receiving them.
The Our Father
Copyright - Natasia Kissinger, 2017-2020