USCCB Respect Life Program


Live the Gospel of LIFE - “to imitate Christ and follow in his footsteps”

The USCCB has an annual, year-round Respect Life Program to help Catholics understand, value, and become engaged with building a culture that cherishes every human life. The U.S. bishops produce materials each year to assist you in these efforts.

At Choose the Child, we take these materials and adapt them for students in elementary and high schools. These materials can be adapted into any classroom setting.

USCCB Respect Life Program Topics (adjusted in focus/wording for students by grades)
Respect Life Reflection: “Live the Gospel of Life” - “Through the Incarnation and birth of Christ, God reveals to us the dignity of all human life. Each life is a gift from God and ultimately belongs to Him.  He has sole authority over life and death.” (USCCB Respect Life Program 2020-2021)

Serving Moms in Need: Living the Gospel of Life - Walking with Moms in Need - “We are invited to join in the effort to increase the Church’s outreach and support to pregnant women facing difficult and unexpected pregnancies.”(USCCB Respect Life Program 2020-2021)

Catholic Priorities at the Polls - Catholics’ have a responsibility as they go to the polls.  We have a responsibility to protect and defend human life. It explains why the U.S. bishops recently affirmed, “The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.”*

Daily Focus Ideas for Grades K - 5:  
Live like Jesus  (Live the Gospel Of Live) 
Love & Support Moms & their Babies (Serving Moms in Need)
Make Great Choices (Catholic Priorities at the Polls)

Daily Focus Ideas for Grades 6 - 12:
Only God creates LIfe and only God takes LIFE  (Live the Gospel Of Life)
Love & Support Moms in Need  (Serving Moms in Need)
Your Vote is a Voice for the Voiceless  (Cathoic Priority at Polls) 

Spiritual & Corporal Works of Mercy Ideas
Spiritual Works
1. Walking with Moms in Need - USCCB Walking with Moms in Need Resource has great resources.
2. Spiritual Adoptions - These are prayers said for an unborn baby over the period of 9 months.  More information can be found here - Spiritual Adoptions
3. Prayer - A prayer is provided for each topic/theme and can be said as a class or as part of school’s daily announcements.  This daily prayer will unite all the schools on the given day for the given prayer.

4. Mass Intentions - The intentions can be used at different Masses throughout the month or all at one Mass.  Also, please feel free to write your own intentions. 

Grades K-5
Love & Support Moms & their Babies - Serving Moms in Need
An unborn child is a Gift from God and needs to be loved and cared for by his or her mom. An unborn baby is created by God and just needs time to grow inside of his or her mommy to be able to survive once he or she is born.  Some moms may be a little afraid of becoming a mom and worried about providing for their baby.  How can we help moms who are in need?
Prayer - Heavenly Father, we know that the baby growing inside of his or her mother needs prayers.  We ask that you protect the unborn babies and help their moms find any help they need.  Help me to love & support unborn  babies and their moms in any way I can.  We ask this in Jesus’ name...Amen.
Intention - For all moms in need that they may find the love and support of others for their babies and themselves;
We pray to the Lord...Amen.
Live Like Jesus - Live the Gospel of Life - Through the Incarnation Jesus became human just like us.  In the birth of Christ, God reveals to us the dignity of all human life. God holds the lives of all of us in his loving care.  How can we live like Jesus?
Prayer -  Heavenly Father, every person is a gift created by you because you love us.  From the moment you created us, we were like no other person who has ever lived.  May we always respect our own lives and the lives of all others until the day you call us to our heavenly home.  We ask this in Jesus’ name….Amen.
Intention - For all those born & unborn, young & old, healthy & sick, may they be loved as Jesus loves & may we always cherish each person in our lives;
We pray to the Lord….

Make GREAT Choices - Catholic Priorities at the Polls
Every day we have many choices to make - what to eat for breakfast, what will we wear, what will we do that day and so much more! Many times we have choices to make right or wrong - should I take that money if no one is looking, will I talk bad about someone if everyone is doing it, what will I do if someone offers to let me cheat, and so much more. We are faced with choices like this all the time and each choice we make brings us away from Jesus or closer to Jesus.   How can we make the right choices?
Prayer - Heavenly Father, each day we are faced with choices and some of them are hard to make.  Sometimes we feel like we should choose what everyone is doing, but our heart tells us that this is not right.  Please be with me and help me make the best choice so that I can grow closer to you.  We ask this in Jesus’s name…Amen.
Intention - For all of us to have the strength from the Holy Spirit to make the right choice when we are faced with temptation;
We pray to the Lord...Amen

Grades 6 - 12
Walking with Moms in Need - Serving Moms in Need
An unborn child is a Gift from God and needs to be protected in the womb of his or her mother. God creates each human being in His image and likeness.  Many mothers fear the birth of a child due to financial reasons, family situations, and so much more.  It is important that we offer love and support to these moms.  An abortion will only cause the loss of her baby and life-long suffering for the mom.  How can we serve these moms who are in need?
Prayer -  Heavenly Father, we know that each life You create is made in Your image and likeness and has great purpose! May each mother find the love and support she needs to help her with the fears she may have about her pregnancy and becoming a mother.  Help us to open our hearts to be aware and ready to help these women in their time of need.  We ask this in Jesus’ name...Amen.
Intention - For all mothers to recognize the incredible gift of life that God has given them through their child and to find the help & support they may need;
We pray to the Lord…

Only God creates LIfe and only God takes LIFE  - Live the Gospel of Life - Through the Incarnation Jesus became human just like us. This is how Jesus united himself to our humanity and longs for us to share eternal life with him.  Every life, from creation until God calls them home to eternal life, must always be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect. (Could also discuss the wrong of assisted suicide and euthanasia)  How can you love and respect life? 

Prayer - Heavenly Father, there are many times in our culture that we hear of things that do not respect the life and dignity of every unique person who is made in God’s image & likeness. May we have the courage to stand up and defend human dignity with the love of Christ in our hearts. We ask this in Jesus’ name...Amen.
Intention - For all of us to recognize and protect the dignity and humanity of every person as a unique creation of God made in His image & likeness;
We pray to the Lord...

Your Vote is a Voice for the Voiceless - Catholic Priorities at the Polls
With every election, whether it’s a Student Council election, Homecoming Court, City Councilman, or the President of the United States, we have a voice.  We have a moral compass to help us make the right decisions - big and small!  An election is a gift we have in the United States that allows us to choose laws and leaders.  It is important to vote for the laws and leaders that make it a priority to protect the lives of those who can’t speak for themselves - especially the unborn. 
Prayer - Heavenly Father, every day we are faced with so many choices.  We ask that the Holy Spirit guide us in these choices and protect us from the temptations of this world.  We want to make the choice that is most pleasing to you and is respectful of all life from creation until natural death.  We ask this in Jesus’ name...Amen.
Intention - For all of us to use our moral compass given to us by the Holy Spirit to know and make the choice that is pleasing to you;

We pray to the Lord...

Corporal Works of Mercy*

1. Bulletin Board or Posters - These will serve as educational and informational projects. Students can choose one of the topics and prepare a bulletin board or poster that will raise awareness and teach about the issue. How can you proclaim the Gospel or show support for moms in need This can be done as a class project or larger school project.  The purpose of this project is to educate the other students in your school. You are also welcome to submit your projects to Choose the Child, Natasia Kissinger - to be shared publicly to educate the community.

2. CCANO Pregnancy Center (formerly ACCESS) - As we “walk with moms in need”, we can help the clients of the CCANO Pregnancy Center prepare for their babies’  birth-days! They are in need of Pull-ups (all sizes), wipes, baby wash, lotion, hooded towels, 3-6 mos clothing, and bottles.

3. Woman’s New Life Clinic - As we “walk with moms in need”, we can help the clients of the Woman’s New Life Clinic  prepare for their babies’  birth-days and receive the medical attention they need.! They are in need of diaper bags to load up with supplies and give to our clients, gift cards in small denominations (Walmart, Target, etc.), baby wipes, diapers – size 1, 3, 4, 5, RTA Jazzy bus passes (Orleans -, and JeT bus passes (Jefferson Parish -

4. Christopher Homes ( Pray for and support the elderly by creating Spiritual Bouquets for the residents who live in the homes. Spiritual Bouquets are prayers or devotional acts that someone has or will offer someone else. More information can be found here - Spiritual Bouquet

5. Onesies for the Little One - Students can decorate onesies with positive messages! The students can collect donations for the onesies they create! The proceeds can be donated to your school and the onesies can be donated to the local pregnancy care center.

6. Pro-Life Prayer Card  - Prayer is vital to changing hearts and lives.  A simple prayer can call on God to save a life.  Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3  By encouraging our children to write a prayer for life or design meaningful respect life art, we are cultivating them to grow a culture of life and helping them to know that they do have a voice.  

Eligiblity - The contest is open to all students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.  There are 3 categories - Kindergarten - 3rd grade, 4th - 7th grade, and 8th - 12th grade.  Entry Limit - One prayer and/or artwork per student.  The artwork and prayer submissions will be judged separately.  Therefore, the artwork winner may different from the prayer winner.  Entry Deadline - Entries must be submitted to Choose the Child, Natasia Kissinger, or mailed  to 4525 Jeannette Dr., Metairie, LA 70003 by October 31, 2020.  Entries must either be emailed or postmarked by this date. Visit for more details.

*For information on the donations/collections of the items for the Corporal Works of Mercy, please contact us!


Additional Resources for 2020
General Respect Life Information
USCCB Respect Life Program


Assisted Suicide/End of Life

Speakers’ Topics
Natasia Kissinger, creator of “Footprints for Life” and Founder/Executive Director of Choose the Child, has excellent Respect Life Presentations available for Catholic youth and their parents.  Contact Natasia at or 504-339-5384.

Suggested Videos (for older students)
Assisted Suicide -

Footprints for Life is a program designed to cultivate a culture of life in our children and educate them on how a simple act of love can make a difference in their community. This program builds on a foundation of dignity, compassion, and truth.  The program covers USCCB Culture of Life topics age-appropriately, and incorporates discussions, activities, and the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy into the study of these issues.  It is designed to be easily integrated into an already existing program. 


PULSE (Louisiana Right to Life)
The PULSE Youth Initiative of Louisiana Right to Life has resources for the High School students of New Orleans! In these programs, everyone is inspired, educated and equipped to be the pulse fo the pro-life generation. 
Teachers have access to educational pamphlets and professional speakers on pro-life topics for their classrooms.  Pro-Life Moderators and club members can seek advice and materials for various activities and events for their campus!
Let us know if you would like a crash course on Pro-Life Persuasion for any school groups! For all of these opportunities and resources, contact Louisiana Right to Life at 866.463.5433 or
Off campus, there are a variety of youth-involvement and club-networking opportunities.  Represent your high school at one of our PULSE meetings at the Louisiana Right to Life Office Headquarters, or at a jam-packed pro-life leadership and advocacy training, PULSE Immersion weekend!  See upcoming dates at

Please note that this outline is based on the USCCB’s Respect Life Program for 2020-2021.